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Dried eggplant is a type of dried vegetable that is made by cutting eggplant into thin slices and then dehydrating them. The slices can be dried using a dehydrator or by placing them in the sun to dry. Once they are completely dried, the eggplant slices are often used in Mediterranean and Middle Eastern cuisine to add flavor and texture to dishes.

Dried eggplant has a chewy texture and a concentrated, slightly sweet flavor. It is often rehydrated before use by soaking in water or broth, which helps to soften the slices and make them more pliable. Rehydrated dried eggplant can be used in a variety of recipes, including stews, soups, and dips like baba ghanoush.

Dried eggplant is a good source of fiber, potassium, and antioxidants. It is also low in calories and fat, making it a healthy addition to many dishes.


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